JavaScript Basics - The Language of Web

JavaScript Basics - The Language of Web

Understanding Variables and Data Type in JavaScript

Variables and data types are foundational concepts in programming, serving as the building blocks for storing and manipulating information within a program.

Variables are like containers that store information. You can think of them as labeled boxes where you keep different types of data.

Data types define what kind of information a variable can hold, like numbers, text, or true/false values.

Real life analogy-

Eg-1.School Bag as a Variable

  • Variable Name: schoolBag

  • Value: Books, notebooks, pencil , etc.

  • If tomorrow you decide to take different books, the value of the variable changes, but the variable (schoolBag) remains the same.

Eg-2. Your Daily Mood as a Variable

  • Variable Name: mood

  • Value: Happy, Sad, Excited, Bored

  • Your mood changes based on events, just like a variable's value can change in a program.

1. Declaring Variables

JavaScript provides three keywords to declare variables:

  1. var (function-scoped, outdated)

    • The var keyword is used to declare a variable. It has a function-scoped or globally-scoped behaviour.
  2. let (block-scoped, recommended)

    • The let keyword is introduced in ES6, has block scope and cannot be re-declared in the same scope.
  3. const (block-scoped, cannot be reassigned)

    • The const keyword declares variables that cannot be reassigned. It’s block-scoped as well.
    var x = 10; // Function-scoped
    let y = 20; // Block-scoped
    const z = 30; // Cannot be reassigned

2. JavaScript Data Types

Think of data types like different types of containers used for storing specific things. Just like you wouldn’t store water in a paper bag, in programming, each variable has a specific data type that defines what kind of data it can hold.

JavaScript has two categories of data types:

A. Primitive Data Types (Stored by value)

  • Primitive datatypes represent single values and are immutable.

1 . Number :

  • Counting the number of items in a Bag

  • Represents both integers and floating points

let num = 100;
let price = 99.99;

2.String :

  • Storing a pencil name

  • Text values enclosed in quotes

  • Strings store sequences of characters inside double ("") or single ('') or (` `) quotes.

let pencil = "Apsara";

3.Boolean :

  • Checking if a pencil present or not
  • Booleans can only be true or false.
let isPencil = true;

4.Undefined :

  • Declaring a variable for future use
  • A variable that has been declared but not assigned a value
let noteBook;
console.log(noteBook); // undefined

5.Null :

  • null means an intentional absence of value (different from undefined).
  • Represents an empty or unknown value
let bottle = null;

6.Symbol :

  • Creating unique property keys
  • Even if two symbols have the same description, they are always unique.
let noteBook1 = Symbol("copy");
let noteBook2 = Symbol("copy");
console.log(noteBook1 === noteBook2); // Output: false

7.BigInt :

  • For large integer values (introduced in ES11)
let bigNum = 9007199254740991n;

B. Non-Primitive Data Types (Stored by reference)

  • Non-primitive types are objects and can store collections of data or more complex entities.
  1. Object :

    • A collection of key-value pairs
    let bag = { 
         pencil: "Apsara",
         items: 5 ,
  1. Array :

    • A list of values

    • Storing a list of favorite items

    let items = ["bottle", "noteBook", "pencil", "Book"];
  1. Function :

    • A block of reusable code

    • Functions allow us to reuse code instead of writing it repeatedly.

    function bag() {
        return "this bag contain 5 items";

3. Type Checking

  • To check a variable's type, use typeof

      console.log(typeof 10);        // "number"
      console.log(typeof "Hello");   // "string"
      console.log(typeof true);      // "boolean"
      console.log(typeof {});        // "object"
      console.log(typeof []);        // "object" (Arrays are objects)
      console.log(typeof null);      // "object" (a known JavaScript bug)
      console.log(typeof undefined); // "undefined"
      console.log(typeof function(){}); // "function"

4. Type Conversion

  • Type conversion (also called type casting*) is like transforming one thing into another so it can be used in a specific situation.*

JavaScript allows implicit and explicit type conversion.

Implicit Conversion

  • JavaScript automatically converts different types
console.log("5" + 3);  // "53" (String concatenation)
console.log("5" - 3);  // 2   (Number conversion)

Explicit Conversion

  • Manually converting types using JavaScript functions.
let strNumber = "100";
let num = Number(strNumber); // Converts string to number
console.log(num + 50); // Output: 150

let numToStr = String(25);
console.log(numToStr + " years"); // Output: "25 years"


Understanding JavaScript variables and data types is fundamental to writing efficient code. Using let and const is recommended for better scoping and maintainability.

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